European best destinations 2025 - Riga

Information for foreign guides

Tourist guides, who provide services in a European Union and European Economic Area Member State and conform to the requirements under normative acts that regulate tourist guide services in the Member State, can provide temporary services at Riga city tourist landmarks, as understood by the Free Movement of Services principle.

In this case, prior to providing a service, tourist guides must submit a formal notice on provision of temporary guide services in Riga to the Riga Investment and Tourism agency (sending in this form to

Notice to tourist guides on providing temporary services in Riga 

1. Paziņojums ir /The notice is:
(vajadzīgo atzīmēt ar X) / (mark the answer with X)
pirmreizējs / first-time
atkārtots / repeated 
2. Informācija par īslaicīga pakalpojuma sniedzēju / Information about the short-time service provider:

2.1. vārds, uzvārds / name, surname


2.2. personas kods vai personas identifikācijas numurs / personal identification code or personal identification number


2.3. valsts, kurā ir reģistrēta saimnieciskā darbība / a country in which the economic activity is registered


2.4. atzīšanas vai reģistrācijas numurs rezidences valstī / recognition or registration number in the country of residence


2.5. adrese rezidences valstī / address in the country of residence


2.6. e-pasta adrese / e-mail address


2.7. tālruņa numurs / phone number

3. Datums, no kura līdz kuram vai kurā plānots sniegt pakalpojumu Latvijas Republikas teritorijā / The date or dates when the provision of the service is planned to take place in the territory of the Republic of Latvia  
4. Apliecinu, ka sniegtā informācija ir patiesa / I hereby certify that the above information is correct

Datums* / Date* ____________ __________________ (vārds, uzvārds, paraksts* / name, surname, signature*)

Aizpilda Rīgas investīciju un tūrisma aģentūras darbinieks / To be completed by an officer of Riga Investment and Tourism agency

5. Paziņojuma reģistrācijas
datums / Date of registration

6. Rīgas investīciju un tūrisma aģentūras
amatpersona / Officer of Riga Investment and Tourism agency
(vārds, uzvārds, paraksts* / name, surname, signature*)

*Paziņojuma rekvizītus "paraksts" un "datums" neaizpilda, ja elektroniskais dokuments ir sagatavots atbilstoši normatīvajiem aktiem par elektronisko dokumentu noformēšanu. / Notice requisites “signature” and “date” shall not be filled in if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the legislative acts about drawing up of electronic documents.

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