Those who are truly interested in heartfelt Latvian historical culture should definitely visit Krišjānis Barons Museum. Latvia and its nation cannot be imagined without their folk songs - dainas, which are inseparably connected with every person and saved from oblivion and brought honour to Krišjānis Barons (1835-1923).
Krišjānis Barons was the most brilliant Latvian folklorist. He collected, studied and published Latvian folk songs and was affectionately called "the father or dainas". His portrait appears on the 100-lat banknote and on the Bank of Latvia series of silver coins - "People". Barons' monument is located in Vērmane Park, whilst his apartment-museum, where he spent the last years of his life in happiness, love and peace - on a nearby street named after him.
Krišjānis Barons Museum not only preserves around 1.2 million folk songs, but also introduces to other national values. Its repository of sound and video recordings has a wide selection of folk music and recordings about the history of Balts. You can also sign up for lectures on Latvian folklore and the history of literature. The museum holds various thematic events, especially for children.
The famous Cabinet of Folksongs (its copy) is exhibited here as well. Made by Barons, it contains handwritten Latvian folk songs from the end of the 19th century and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2001.
The museum offers tours to the House of Burtnieki in Vecmilgrāvis, where the memorial rooms of Barons family have been on display since the autumn of 1995, Barons' places of residence and work in Rīga, and his memorials in Kurzeme Province.