European best destinations 2024 - Riga

Memorial Museums

Memorial museums introduce personalities important to the cultural history of Latvia in their historical environment. By visiting these museums, it is possible to get acquainted with the development of the history of Latvian literature and culture through the point of view of a particular personality and their living space.

Jānis Rozentāls and Rūdolfs Blaumanis Museum

This building, designed by architects Konstantīns Pēkšēns and Eižens Laube, was erected in 1903. As are the surrounding edifices on Alberta Street, this one is also considered a significant Art Nouveau landmark in Riga.

Rainis and Aspazija House-Museum

Rainis and Aspazija House-Museum forms a part of a significant area of wooden buildings in Riga’s centre. Both the two storey building fronting the road, as well as the single storey building behind it with a small inner courtyard, form an unusual cultural historical ensemble — the buildings were constructed in 1879.

Jānis Akuraters Museum

Sense the daily rhythm of the intelligentsia from the 1930s and a festive mood in the home of poet Jānis Akuraters. He was the first recipient of the Fatherland Award.

Eduards Smiļģis Theatre Museum

The Pardaugava home of renowned director and founder of the Daile Theatre, Eduards Smiļģis, has been transformed into a museum. The exposition shows the original, bright, and contradictory personality.

Krišjānis Barons Museum

Those who are truly interested in heartfelt Latvian historical culture should definitely visit Krišjānis Barons Museum. Latvia and its nation cannot be imagined without their folk songs - dainas, which are inseparably connected with every person and saved from oblivion and brought honour to Krišjānis Barons (1835-1923).

Aleksandrs Čaks Memorial Apartment

The Aleksandrs Čaks Memorial Apartment is a place where one will encounter an authentic environment, created in a mundane yet artistic manner, that was once inhabited by a legend, the urbane Aleksandrs Čaks, considered the founder of modern Latvian poetry.

Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

The museum, dedicated to the Artists Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova, is a subsidiary of the Latvian National Museum of Art. It is set up in their former residence.

Ojārs Vācietis Memorial Museum

The museum was founded in 1988, 5 years after the great Latvian poet Ojārs Vācietis (1933—1983) passed away. The museum is located in Pārdaugava at former Lielā Altonavas street, this is where poet lived with his family since 1960.

Andrejs Upīts Memorial Museum

This is one of the rare museums in Latvia that reflects recent historic reality and the paradox of Socialistic ideology.

Rainis and Aspazija's Summer Home

Due to renovation, the museum is closed from February 10, 2014.

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