European best destinations 2024 - Riga

Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre is the oldest Russian professional theatre outside Russia. It was founded in 1883. Located in the heart of old Riga, it enjoys popularity with tourists and is considered one of the sightseeing gems. The Theatre was fully reconstructed in 2010, and today it is one of the best-equipped venues in Eastern Europe. The stage machinery was provided by SBS Buehnentechnic from Dresden, and this collaboration is still active and fruitful.

The Theatre keeps up the traditions of the Russian theatre as a system. It also engages staging directors and designers from Russia as well as from other countries (Belorussia, Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Israel and so on). The Latvian creative human resources are most actively involved, too.

As a cultural institution, the Theatre is a state limited liability company, supervised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, and receives donations from the State budget.

Being a repertory theatre with a permanent troupe of actors, the  Theatre regularly arranges the opportunity to educate a new generation of performers. In 2018 the Theatre also opened a studio for children and teenagers.

The Theatre is proud to be well-liked by patrons both in Latvia and abroad. Its repertory covers Russian, Latvian and world classic as well as young playwrights’ works. On the big and small venues performances of all genres are held, including children's and musical productions. The theatre goes on tours regularly and is quite successful on the festivals’ arena.

All in all, the Theatre harmoniously lives in the cross-cultural space, participates in the cultural dialogue - both nationally and internationally, and implements plans for future development on all the levels.

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