In any emergency situation you should call the toll free number 112, as this is the contact number for the emergency services in Latvia.
Numbers for various emergencies:
Emergency medical assistance 113
Fire and rescue service 112
Police 110
Tourist Police +371 67181818
In Riga there is a tourism department of the Municipal Police Department, which ensures public order, educates tourists about rules of conduct and laws and offers help in emergencies. The tourist police work throughout the city, but most of the patrols are in the old town. Information is available in English and Russian around the clock on +371 67181818.
Riga Municipal Police Department +371 67037811; +371 67037822
24-hour veterinary clinic +371 67500494; +371 67288539
Coast Guard Search and Rescue Service 115, +371 67323103, +371 29476101, +371 67082070
If you lose your bank card + 371 67092555; +371 80009006
Gas emergency service 114
Further information is available through the paid telephone service 1188 or on www.1188.lv and its mobile version, as well as in the 1188 app for iOS and Android smartphones.