European best destinations 2025 - Riga

Call to apply for the Riga Film Fund financing and three support programs for developing Startup ecosystems

The City of Riga is announcing new programs to promote innovation and development in the city. The Riga Investment and Tourism Agency invites applications for funding from the Riga Film Fund to film foreign movies in the city and three support programs for developing the environment for Startups in Riga.

Applications are open for the Riga Film Fund's co-financing program for the shooting of foreign films to be shot in Riga and Latvia in 2023. According to the program's conditions, up to 25% of the eligible expenses can be refunded in Latvia after the completion of the shooting. To qualify for financing, the total budget for the foreign film project must be at least 700,000 euros, with at least 50% of the film's financing confirmed at the time of application. Filming must be completed and reports submitted by November 30, 2023. Applications can be submitted from March 1. The committee will make decisions by the 15th of each month, and applications will be considered once a month. More information is available here.

A strong Startup ecosystem must be developed to make Riga a leading regional business centre. Therefore, three new business support programs are being launched to support Startups and organizations working on their development. 

The "Startup Ecosystem Support Program" provides financial support for various activities related to developing Startup ecosystems. Various private or public organizations whose daily work involves organizing activities related to new businesses can participate. The maximum amount of co-financing for one move is up to 20,000 euros, and the total budget for the program in 2023 is 85,000 euros. More information about the competition, terms and conditions, and application forms are available here

Support will also be provided to business incubators and accelerators in Riga. Under these programs, business incubators and accelerators working in Riga can apply for up to 40,000 euros to cover operating costs and administrative expenses. The total budget for the program in 2023 is 120,000 euros. More information on the competition, terms and conditions, and application forms are available here.

The third program aims to relocate highly qualified specialists to Riga. This program is intended for startups that want to hire highly skilled specialists currently out of employment in Latvia. Under the support program, companies that meet the qualification requirements can apply for a co-financing of 1500 euros per employee per month. One company can employ up to 5 employees, and the maximum support period will be three months. With this support, employers can help new employees integrate better into Riga's business and social life. More information about the competition, terms and conditions, and application forms are available here.


The information was prepared by Rita Petersone, Head of the City Brand Division,, +371 22830243.

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